Miscellaneous Topics

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The British Israel World Federation (BIWF), the jews, Judah, and DNA - 04-10-2010

YCP20100410BIWF-jews-DNA.mp3 — Downloaded 4207 times
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Program notes, Yahweh’s Covenant People, April 10th, 2010

Topic: The British Israel World Federation (BIWF), the jews, Judah, and DNA.

Tertullian's De Spectaculis, with some comments - April 17th 2010

YCP20100417Tertullian-DeSpectaculis.mp3 — Downloaded 7488 times
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Posted on the front page for football season. Get out of Babylon! 

A reading of Tertullian's De Spectaculis, with some comments.

In the 2nd century AD Tertullian wrote a thesis against Christian attendance at the spectacles, the theaters, sporting events, and other entertainments of old Rome. It still has meaning today.

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani - Wednesday June 1st, 2011

Truth_Hertz2011-06-01_16k.mp3 — Downloaded 3176 times
Downloads from old Christogenea website: 4,555

On Wednesday June 1st at 8:00 AM William Finck was a guest on Truth Hertz Radio with Charles Giuliani. Here is the podcast.

After program thought, which I did not have time to address: Attempting to bring other races into our White culture and belief system is exactly what caused the downfall of Egypt, Babylon, Parthia and Rome. It is exactly the reason why the West is in such a state of turmoil and decay today, and it is and has been the plan of Satan (the jews) all along to get us to do that very thing! 

Yes, Charles, Truth does hurt - and you don't even realize how badly. 

Note, June 24th, 2011: It has been well-reported to us that for several days on his program after this interview, that Giuliani whined and raged about our positions. Yet he could not counter them in an honest discussion. Now we hear that he is still whining and raging. We must have really gotten under his skin. His true agenda is not conservative at all. The race-mixing agenda which he promotes is indeed the same agenda of the jews whom he claims to despise! 

The Heretic's Hour with Carolyn Yeager - Culture of Corruption

VoR_The_Heretics_Hour_20111003.mp3 — Downloaded 2719 times
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On Monday, October 3rd, 2011, at 9:00 PM U.S. Eastern time William Finck was on The Heretics' Hour with Carolyn Yeager. The discussion centered around the Philthadelphia article which appears here and in the July 2011 edition of The Saxon Messenger.

Carolyn Yeager - "A Fighting Christianity" and Christian beliefs within National Socialism - 2011-11-12

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Visit Carolyn's website at http://carolynyeager.net

Media Bias Reporting Negro Crime, with Mike Delaney of Prothink.org

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The Color of Crime: New Century Foundation's report on differences in crime rates by race, bias in the justice system, and interracial crime. First published as a monograph in 1999, the new 2005 edition of The Color of Crime is now available on-line as a free PDF download.

Poverty is not an excuse for high Negro or Hispanic crime rates. Click here for a report from the U.S. Census Bureau, Table 695. Money Income of Families—Number and Distribution by Race and Hispanic Origin: 2009, from Income, Expenditures, Poverty, and Wealth, U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2012. This report clearly shows that there are many more White families living in poverty than all minority groups combined.

Click here for an Open Office-formatted spreadsheet of some crime statistics  from http://fbi.gov which were collected and cited for this program. The statistics are publicly available at the FBI website.

Click here for the December, 2011 U.S. Department of Justice reportCorrectional Population in the United States, 2010, in PDF format.

Finally, click here for a collection of items posted at the Saxon Messenger website, entitled The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, several of the reports which were cited for this program.
