Saxon Messenger Editorials

A Christogenea commentary On the Gospel of John has recently been completed. Many passages simply do not say what the modern churches think they mean! Don't miss this important and ground-breaking work proving that Christian Identity is indeed fully supported by Scripture.

A Commentary on Genesis is now being presented. Here we endeavor to explain the very first book of the Christian Bible from a perspective which reconciles both the Old and New Testaments with archaeology and ancient history, through eyes which have been opened by the Gospel of Christ.

A Commentary on the Epistles of Paul has been completed at This lengthy and in-depth series reveals the true Paul as an apostle of God, a prophet in his own right, and the first teacher of what we call Christian Identity.

Don't miss our recently-completed series of commentaries on the Minor Prophets of the Bible, which has also been used as a vehicle to prove the historicity of the Bible as well as the Provenance of God.

Visit Clifton Emahiser's Watchman's Teaching Ministries at for his many foundational Christian Identity studies.

Christogenea Books: Christian Truths in Black and White!
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Political Devices

The next Saxon Messenger editorial, Political Devices, is really only an introduction to the rest of the issue. Hopefully it will be posted here in a week or so.

With the U.S. presidential election only days away, we decided to publish this Saxon Messenger only days in advance, and do something a little different. With the exception of a few related items, this issue is a collection of articles written by myself over the past several years, all of which are aimed at illustrating the futility of the concept that our White race and what is left of a Christian society can survive the challenges which it faces in these last days through political means. There is no political solution, we professed that many years ago, and we continue to stand by that profession today.

But we are not trying to dissuade anyone from fighting for what it is right in the public arena. And on the surface, it seems that a Trump presidency may be better for Whites than seeing that Bolshevik Hag, the Wicked Witch whose name we will not print here, sit in the White House for four or eight years longer than she already has. This is especially true since it may well be that Donald Trump is the last apparently White man who may ever have a chance of winning the American presidency. But on the other hand, we remember the hope that people had in another liberal-turned-conservative Republican, Ronald Reagan, who greatly magnified the imperial American armies, and among other things had opened up the trade spigots with China, thereby flushing American manufacturing into the Yellow River. So the Great Conservative was, as it turned out, only great for the objectives of World Jewry.

There is no Pulse

Americans are mourning their Sodomites, but they should be lamenting their children!

How far deceased is the Body of Christ! If the body is, or perhaps, was, Christendom, then the latest apparent false flag event at a nightclub in Orlando is certainly ominous. One can plant a finger on its throat, and there is no Pulse.

Of course, we are not saying that nothing happened at the Pulse nightclub. However whatever did happen certainly did not happen in accordance with the way that it has been portrayed. We did a little investigating ourselves, of some of the online real estate records for the building. It is hard to imagine the reported 300 patrons crammed into a bar with perhaps 4,500 square feet of usable space, and a man able to walk a Colt AR-15 and multiple large clips into such a small and crowded club, which had only 10 or 12 parking spaces of its own, completely unnoticed in the midst of a hot summer’s night in southern Florida.

Oh, CNN reported that “The club is a vast, open space that was hosting more than 300 patrons” and “People inside the cavernous nightclub described a scene of panic....” But are they really describing the building which appears in the Orlando real estate records? Or are they reading from some concocted script? The building’s 4,500 usable square feet on two stories can hardly be described as “cavernous”.

We were subjected to interviews on the streets outside of the club, presumably taped in the dark of the night and only hours after the alleged shooting began. Here, “survivors” described a horrific event and gave detailed accounts of their own escape. But the accounts of the escapees crawling on the floor through dead and dying bodies were not accompanied with the appropriately expected images: there was no blood on any of these alleged survivors. When people have been shot all around you, we would expect to see you splattered with blood. When you crawl on the floor around bodies that have just been ripped apart by flesh-shredding 5.56 millimeter rounds, your clothing should not escape the stains from the expected puddles of blood. But there was no blood, perhaps because there was no Pulse.

The Christian Identity Objective

The collective thoughts of William Finck after having presented two spoken discussions on this very topic with Pastor Mark Downey, both of which are available for listening at Christogenea.

The hour is late, and all of the formerly Christian nations are overcome with the enemies of Christ. The dusk is far too advanced for Christians to be wasting precious time arguing over the place of beasts in the kingdom of God, when it should be obvious to all that after 500 years of trying to civilize and make Christians of them, there has been little but misery and failure, and they are still nothing but beasts. The negro takes the image of Christ, remodels it in its own image, and destroys everything it touches in His Name. The Oriental takes up the image of Christ, and adds it to his collection of mystical talismans, imagining that it is just one more tool in the arsenal of idols that will help him to gratify his lusts, along with shark fins and tiger penises. The Mexican takes up the image of Christ, but only as a child, and then worships the young virgin instead, yearning for the fulfillment of its own beastly impulses.

For a thousand years the Jew had tried to destroy Christendom from the outside, and had militarized both the African and Asian beasts against the West, but they failed to destroy it. So slowly the Jew crept into Christianity and undermined Christian institutions with anti-Christian ideas. And since they initially failed to flood Europe with the beasts, it was the Jew who convinced the popes to bring Europe to the beasts. So a universal doctrine which was at one time only universal to the civilized world, was transformed into a multiracial doctrine and the churches of Europe were prepared to accept the ideologies of the humanist revolutions, once they were convinced that they should humanize the beasts.

The Camp of the Saints Revisited

In light of the most recent European immigration drama, a good friend had brought up the topic of an old book, The Camp of The Saints, a 1973 French-language apocalyptic novel by one Jean Raspail. We have not read the novel ourselves, having both an ignorance of French and the observation that the only version available in English is a translation made by a Jew as barriers to so doing. However understanding the reference, and the fact that the book portrays the end of Europe and Western Civilization as a whole in a flood of savage immigrants from Africa, we understand that the book certainly was portentous...

Unity and Divisions

Unity and Divisions

This presentation is really a compendium of things I have presented over the past several years. If one has read or heard my commentaries on the minor prophets, and the recently completed Romans exegesis, all of these things will be familiar, while I hope to have added a new perspective or two. This is because the grounds for Christian communion do not change, and the lines where Christian unity and divisions are drawn should indeed be very clear. Yet I find many Identity Christians who do not understand them, so I continually reiterate these same messages, and in as many ways as I can.

One of the biggest challenges which I have faced in my work is getting people to actually believe that all Israel (true Israel being our White Christian nations) shall be saved – in spite of the fact that Paul of Tarsus stated as much explicitly in his epistle to the Romans, and in spite of the fact that the prophets of Yahweh our God also stated as much. All Christians for two thousand years have suffered from a burden of doubt that was not taught by the original apostles, and that was not taught by the prophets of God. Peter said “you are a chosen race”, and not “you are a race that might be chosen”.

Christians are raised wondering whether they will be accepted by God at the end of their lives. With this, perpetual doubt is sown which causes men to turn away from the interests of their community and their race, in favor of their own interests whereby they pursue the materialistic desires of the flesh. When they face difficult times they feel abandoned by God, and because they have doubt it is just as easy for them to abandon God. By abandoning God, they are of no use to their communities and instead they work against the interest of their kinsmen because they seek to fulfill their own material needs at the expense of the needs of the community.

Bible? Or Bureaucracy?



While it is barely evident in Scripture, once upon a time the White Adamic race lived under the rule of something which the Bible later calls the Melchisedek priesthood. The word Melchisedek basically means Righteousness is my King. That this priesthood was represented in the natural patriarchy of man is evident in places such as 2 Peter chapter 2 where the apostle refers to Noah as “the eighth proclaimer of righteousness”, as well as in the contextual progression of the Biblical accounts in which a patriarchal society is clearly portrayed. This Melchisedek priesthood is mentioned in Psalms and in Paul's epistle to the Hebrews, and we are informed in both the prophecy and the epistle that Jesus Christ Himself is the new Melchisedek priest. Of course, Jesus Christ being the first-born among many brethren and being Yahweh God incarnate, He alone is the ultimate patriarch of our White Adamic race.

In Genesis chapter 10, some time between the reestablishment of the Adamic oikoumenê after the flood of Noah and the call of Abraham which came over 1,200 years later, a descendant of Ham named Nimrod merited special mention among the families of Genesis 10 because he had asserted rule over the others of his kindred. There we read: “8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. 9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. 10 And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. 11 Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, 12 And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same is a great city.” The land of Nimrod's empire was later called the land of Cush in Scripture, after Nimrod's father. Ostensibly, at its height it encompassed Mesopotamia and extended to the border of Egypt. During this time, the serpent had become a symbol of kingship not only in Egypt, but also in Sumer, Akkad and among the Hittites.

The Rabbit Hole

They peddle science fiction fantasy as news, build a worldview around their own lies, and then they have the gall to mock Christians!

Rabbit holes are man-made constructs which have an alluring power. They are typically built around some religious belief, pseudo-science, event, or even some combination of these, and they have ability to propel truth-seekers down paths of inquiry where nothing of substance is ever accomplished, acquired or learned even though something is always just out of reach.

For example, there certainly is truth in many so-called conspiracy theories, such as the fact that Oswald alone did not kill Kennedy or the fact that Israelis and certain government insiders were responsible for the events of a particular September 11th morning. However these things are readily observable from both the circumstances and the behavior of the parties involved and those who were within the periphery of the events themselves, if one can gain access to the hard data required to make such an observation.

But in order to distract people from finding the important rudimentary truths behind the causes of such events, a thousand books, articles or items in the electronic media quickly appear trumpeting a thousand different theories. In that manner, if anyone does navigate the labyrinth successfully, the one account which may reflect the truth of the matter is drowned out by a thousand lies.

Ukraine, or Jewkraine?


Orthodox Ukrainian Pilgrim
Orthodox pilgrim in Kiev Pechersk Lavra, Ukraine. Photo by Petar Milošević. Wikimedia Commons.

Only a few White Christian nations have suffered as much under the heel of satanic treachery as has Ukraine. In the 20th century Ukraine was trampled under foot by Russian and German armies in two major wars. In between the two wars, it was ravaged in the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution, its population decimated by both the results of the victory of Jewish Communism and then by the famines of the Holodomor during the forced Soviet collectivization in the 1930's. The second German occupation was seen by many native Ukrainians as a liberation from their Soviet Jewish oppressors, although it was sadly short-lived. Today, many Ukrainians still hope for that same liberation.

Ukraine is about 78% Ukrainian, 17% Russian and the balance is made up mostly of Tatars, while there are some Poles, Romanians and others in the various border areas. But those general numbers are deceiving. The Russians and Tatars are concentrated along the eastern border, and mostly in the Crimea, which is perhaps 65% Russian and practically 100% Russophone. Russians in the Crimea may consider themselves as natives now, however most of them settled there during the Soviet era when the region was an important asset to Soviet military interests. Basically, the Russians gained the Crimea through Tsarist and then Soviet imperialism, and the land is not even contiguous to Russia – at least presently. Therefore, since a Russian government gave Crimea over to Ukraine over 60 years ago, and it is contiguous to Ukraine, present Russian claims to the Crimea are of less substance than Mexican claims to southern California, although the results of a referendum in either place are inevitable. The pre-Soviet inhabitants of Crimea, who are ethnic Tatars, oppose pro-Russian political parties and have supported Ukrainian nationalists, although Tatars are certainly not Ukrainian.

Slavery for a Hundred Years - and Longer


Slavery for a Hundred Years .. and Longer

In the United States the Federal Reserve turned 100 years old this December, an event which the institution itself commemorated, and which is mentioned in several articles on its own websites. While it was also celebrated to some degree in the mass media, there was little mass media criticism of the Fed's one-hundred-year history. In fact, outlets such as USA Today actually celebrated the outgoing Fed chairman, and in an article entitled “5 things you didn't know about 100-year-old Fed”, while it justly blames the institution for such events as the Great Depression, it portrays even that in the best possible light. However this USA Today article, in its last item in the list and the only one of the five which is relevant to current events, only celebrates the Fed's recent introduction of digital check clearing technology. Conservative estimates of the potential cost to taxpayers of recent bank bailouts orchestrated by the Federal Reserve run from 9 trillion (The New York Times) to over 12 trillion ( to 14 trillion ( to as much as 29 trillion dollars ( But all that USA Today has to discuss concerning the Fed in this era is the inevitable adoption of digital check clearing! If most Americans are ignorant – and it can be demonstrated that they certainly are – it is because they are too trusting of the media by which they expect to be informed. Reporting on the Fed's anniversary by most of the other major media outlets seemed sterile, to say the least, and with a few exceptions, apparently none of them ever challenge the nonsensical idea that the Federal Reserve is a legitimate institution concerned with the national interest.

Who are the Peacemakers?

This article is from the open forum podcast Who are the Peacemakers? Christogenea Forum Call 05-30-11

One often-quoted verse from the Sermon on the Mount stands out among those several Bible passages which are frequently abused by universalists. From the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5, from the King James Version: “9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”

The pundits of the Judaized denominational sects often cite this passage while concluding that Christians should therefore be at peace with all of the peoples of the world, regardless of nation, sexual orientation, race, religion or creed. Sadly, certain Identity Christians would follow them. But what is a peacemaker? Is an appeaser or a placator of aliens, idolators and sinners really a peacemaker? Is a peacemaker one who “builds bridges”, so to speak, with peoples who are outside of the covenants of God? Is that really what Christ referred to when He gave us these words?Examining the Word of God from the Old Testament, we are given a starkly different picture of what a peacemaker actually is. With all certainty, peacemakers in the Biblical sense are not the world's compromisers, and neither are such peacemakers found to be placators or appeasers. Rather, they are those who would uphold the Word of God, as the author of the Proverbs said: “He that winks with his eyes deceitfully, procures griefs for men; but he that reproves boldly is a peacemaker” (Proverbs 10:10, from the Septuagint).

The Tolerance of Evil

“God stands in the congregation of the mighty; he judges among the gods. How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked. They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course. I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.” - Psalm 82

A thorough study of both scripture and classical history shall lead to the conclusion that the White nations of what was formerly called Christendom have indeed descended from the ancient children of Israel, who were the only branch of the White race accepted by Yahweh God as His children. Since that time, all of the other White nations have been overrun and destroyed by aliens, whether they be red, yellow, brown or black. Now in modern times, the nations of Christendom, the remnant of the White race residing in Europe and her colonies, are also being overrun by aliens.

Prove All Things

Christians have a clear scriptural obligation to substantiate the things which they profess. The apostle Paul admonishes us to “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good”, while the apostle John further warns us to “believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world” (1 Thessalonians 5:21 , 1 John 4:1). Therefore the proper acquisition of that proof requires an examination of both the message and the messenger.

The Valid Christian Ministry

Certain Christian Identity adherents have now and again come to the conclusion that they are tired of hearing about the issue of race, and that they want to concentrate on so-called spiritual things, imagining what life may be in the Kingdom of Heaven, and what our future is with our God. This attitude is not a good strategy. While we certainly should all be engaged in prayer and have our sights set upon the hope to come, we are still in the battle stage of our existence here in this life on earth, and this is where Yahweh our God wants us to be, otherwise we would not be here at all. In fact, Yahweh God did not preserve the Canaanites that the children of Israel may fantasize about how wonderful life may be without them. Rather, Yahweh preserved them “Only that the generations of the children of Israel might know, to teach them war” (Judges 3:2). Yet in spite of this, throughout scripture salvation is promised to the children of Israel.

Life's a Beach

Life's a Beach (a pun of course): tales from our August vacation.

For months Melissa had looked forward to the twelve day vacation we had been planning, and to spending a good deal of that time sitting on Panama City Beach. Our friend and brother, John Wade Moore, had offered to put us up for a week – or perhaps to put up with us for a week – and we certainly wouldn't turn down his hospitality. So adding a few days to the beginning and end of the time he offered, we also had the opportunity to visit with some of our Christian brethren along the way.

On the night of August 13th, we had dinner and grabbing a few bottles of some good German beer we headed down to the beach to sit and watch the stars. Sitting in the moonlit darkness of a clear night on Sunnyside Beach, which was a stop on the way to our destination the next morning, we saw three unusual lights in the sky, which were certainly not planets or stars. The lights were not part of a single solid object, but were rather points forming a triangle, and each of them would disappear momentarily and then quickly reappear, in a constant rhythm that lasted the entire time we observed them. The rhythm was almost as if the lights were three points on the dial of a clock, each obscured momentarily as an imaginary second hand swept over it. We watched them for well over an hour, and they seemed to be drifting up and down the Florida coast, sometimes a little closer to each other and sometimes moving further away. And while we could see the stars in the background between them, they always maintained the same triangular shape in relation to one another. The next day we noted that in relation to our location, the lights were in the same direction as Eglin Air Force Base. Searching the internet, we found a video which claimed to be of something similar to what we saw, but not quite exact, which was claimed to have been taken at Lehigh Acres, Florida on August 8th, at least 300 miles southeast of where we were staying. Were they UFO's? Some secret government technology? We won't join in the conjecture and the conspiracy theories, but we indeed saw what we describe here.

No Safe Haven

Click HERE for the PDF version.

We do not know much about the Reedy's, or why the White couple, who had four children, were separated just months after the birth of their young daughter. However rather than living with her husband James, on June 7th, 2013, Jennifer Reedy was admittedly sleeping in her home with a Mexican illegal alien named Jose Luis Aguilar when her 9-month old daughter, Serenity, was raped and murdered by the animal. Reports say that Reedy had taken her so-called “boyfriend” into her home about a month before her daughter's murder. According to the Richland, Washington Tri-City Herald, the baby had severe injuries to both her head and vagina. According to Columbia County's KEPR television “Reedy said Aguilar wanted to have sex that night but she told him no. She said Aguilar told her he would go take care of himself.” Evidently he did, with a little help from Serenity. A video report from the same source quotes a doctor who said there was “massive damage to [Serenity's] genital region.” The Tri-City Herald reports that Aguilar was picked up in a Greyhound bus in Barstow, California.

Serenity_Reedy_Murder_Report.mp4 — Downloaded 6184 times
KWTV_Amy-Gibbins.mp4 — Downloaded 1384 times

Stripped Bare and Naked

While it would take a volume of print to prove some of the assertions which are going to be made here this month, we have already presented much of that in Christreich, our commentary on the Revelation of Yahshua (Jesus) Christ.

There is only one woman in the eyes of Yahweh our God, allegorically speaking, and that woman is the twelve tribes of Israel collectively. In her obedience to her God, she is the bride, and she is promised rewards both earthly and heavenly. But in her disobedience she is a whore, and she is punished with an earthly punishment for her whoredoms. The proof is also, as our New England ancestors used to say, in the pudding: For the things from Scripture which are about to be expressed here are not only relative to the events of today, but they are the only way in which such events can be understood.

That the children of Israel are, collectively speaking, the whore of the Revelation is fully evident from the text of the Old Testament, where the language is quite explicit, for instance in Ezekiel 16:25: “Thou hast built thy high place at every head of the way, and hast made thy beauty to be abhorred, and hast opened thy feet to every one that passed by, and multiplied thy whoredoms.” The high places were the ancient centers of idolatry. The pagan temples of the past accepted all comers, and they were centers for banking, prostitution, dining and entertainment. But the children of Israel were to be a separate people, and not engage with the rest of the world in any of those things. While there are many references to this in Scripture, the primary reference is found at Exodus 19:5: “Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine”. The phrase “opened thy feet” in the passage of Ezekiel cited above is quite archaic. Today it would be literally rendered “spread your legs”, and the proof of that interpretation is found in Deuteronomy 28:57 where a similar phrase is used in the same manner. Spreading their legs is exactly what the children of Israel do when they mingle with the other races of the world, which is what Ezekiel refers to with the remark concerning “every one that passed by”. For doing such things, these same children of Israel were warned, at Amos 3:2: “You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.” The books of the prophets, and the entire Revelation, are all about that punishment.

What is Universalism?

What is Universalism? This word is very frequently tossed around Christian Identity circles, yet very few students of the Bible, or even pastors, actually take the time to comprehend an accurate definition of its meaning. Those few who do usually resort to a mainstream Christian commentary or theological dictionary, and some often even pick-and-choose from such dictionaries until they find a definition which suits their own purpose. How one may define universalism must even by necessity be relative to the established doctrines of any particular religious sect so there is no certain definition which can fit all sects. So what is universalism to an Identity Christian? We shall endeavor to answer that question shortly. First, to our readers, there is a closely related topic of interest which we must also discuss.

Particularly, we here at the Saxon Messenger, which is a part of the Christogenea ministry, have been labeling a certain so-called Christian Identity pastor (if we must use the term) as a universalist ever since we stopped working with him over two years ago. We parted ways and broke communion with this individual primarily for his universalist positions when interpreting Scripture. Tired of being accused of name-calling, as if somehow we had no substance to such accusations, this past March on a Saturday evening we laid out a large cross-section of the evidence in a single two-and-a-half hour program, supplying many audio clips directly from this person's own recordings and then responding to them from Scripture. We explained why this person deserved the label of universalist with all possible precision. There is a plethora of additional evidence which can be brought to light directly from the written or spoken words of this person which further supports our assertions.

The Wicked Black Gentry


The Jews were sinking their claws into America even before the nation was born.

Most of the early White colonists of North America came to settle here, at least initially, in order to escape various oppressive conditions in Europe. For instance, there are the famous accounts of the Plymouth colonists seeking religious freedom. The entire colony of Pennsylvania also, which originally included New Jersey and Delaware, was intended to be a Christian nation safe from the religious oppression of Europe. But it was not only freedom from religious tyranny which the early settlers sought. There is a book which tells, citing original documentation, of the resettlement of Germans who were never able to recover economically from the Thirty Years' War, and therefore Queen Anne gave them a grant of a large portion of Upstate New York, which they began to settle in 1708. (MacWethy) The original records describe these settlers as having led simple lives at agriculture or one of the trades, and few of them are found to be otherwise. Then, in contrast, there were the Jews.

The first Jews in America were not in pursuit of religious freedom, or religion at all. These were Sephardic Jews from the Caribbean and South America, whose ancestors had fled from the Inquisition on the ships of the Conquistadors. Other Sephardic Jews, whose ancestors had left Spain and Portugal for Holland, had come to New Amsterdam with the Dutch. These Jews, who maintained commercial connections with their kindred in Europe and Africa and established themselves in the Caribbean and South America, were already heavily involved in the slave trade and trafficking of merchandise in the New World long before the English established a formidable presence here. These circumstances gave Jews a huge advantage in the newly-forming English colonies, where most Christians still rejected usury, worked with their hands and traded with barter. Examples of Jews engaged in these things are numerous, and here we shall mention some of those which are notable.

Scatterers and Gatherers

This article has been expanded for a talk given on October 30th, 2016, by William Finck which is available here: Fellowship of God's Covenant People - Scatterers and Gatherers

Yahshua Christ links three concepts in Matthew chapter 12, which are scattering and gathering, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and good and bad trees. From the King James Version: “30 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. 31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. 32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come. 33 Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit.”

In another place Yahshua again mentions gathering along with good and corrupt trees, where He links these with two other concepts, which are the strait gate and the false prophets who are not truly sheep but are really wolves. From Matthew 7: “13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.”

The Racist Right


Not very long ago, the nations of Christendom were quite ethnically homogenous. Even those with significant non-White populations were nevertheless fairly well segregated, regardless of whether the non-Whites in White nations were indigenous - as the Aborigines of Australia, or introduced - as the Negros in America.

Then along came Jewish racial and political agitation, and a century-long campaign to integrate non-Whites into the White populations of all White nations, thereby destroying White racial homogeneity everywhere. This has been no secret, it is a plan announced openly by the Jews long before it happened, that they would do this to the White race. Examples are readily found in Israel Zangwill's The Melting Pot, a play which opened at the Columbia Theater in Washington, D.C. On October 5th, 1908, or Edna Ferber's Showboat, which debuted as a play on Broadway in New York City in 1927.

Model Whores

We were recently affronted with an invitation to vote for a supposedly Christian woman going by the name of Starla Carmela in support of her endeavor to be "America's next top model". We were appalled, and here are our thoughts on the matter.

So the pretty young blonde, lithe and limber, wants to be a model, while at the same time she professes to be a Christian. The road to stardom is littered with the corpses of such women, crushed and crumpled. Those few who do make it are always compromised. The most fortunate among them, so it seems, ride the slower road to hell. Among these are women such as Heidi Klum, who has a beast for a husband and a brood of beasts as her posterity. Or Christie Brinkley, with three children from as many fathers, some of whom were Jews. Or Charlize Theron, who has been seen with a strangely ape-like creature swinging from her hip. The PETA activist has evidently confused animals for humans. Those models and actresses whose lives are not publicly corrupted nevertheless have such things as obscure pornographic movies or other obscenities buried in their pasts. Purporting to be both a Christian and an aspiring model does not lend credibility to a life spent in pursuit of worldly rewards exacted from worldly lust. One cannot succeed as a model or actress without compromising even the most basic Christian principles.

Keep a sure watch over a shameless daughter, lest she make thee a laughingstock to thine enemies, and a byword in the city, and a reproach among the people, and make thee ashamed before the multitude. Behold not every body's beauty, and sit not in the midst of women. - Sirach 42:11-12

As for modeling, acting, news and sports reporting and related vocations, at any level they are all a part of the media and entertainment industry: an industry controlled in its entirety by those eternal enemies of God and Christ. The experience of the former beauty pageant contestant and evangelical Christian Carrie Prejean very well summarizes the challenge a woman of any sort of Christian conviction faces when desiring to succeed in the world of the anti-Christ. It is not by chance that sexual deviants are set up as judges over such pageants by the people that control them. One such sexual deviant asked Prejean a question about the acceptability of certain deviant so-called "marriages". When her success in the pageant hinged upon her answer, Prejean chose to answer honestly. In her own memoir she describes the choice she faced: "I was being dared — in front of the entire world — to give a candid answer to a serious question. I knew if I told the truth, I would lose all that I was competing for: the crown, the luxury apartment in New York City, the large salary — everything that went with the Miss USA title. I also knew, or suspected, that I was the frontrunner, and if I gritted my teeth and gave the politically correct answer, I could be Miss USA."

Anti-Christian Materialism, or Christian Socialism, Part Two

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Back in the 1980's someone, ostensibly some Jew, was selling bumper stickers that read “The man who dies with the most toys wins.” This statement seems to be one of the more popular new-age mantras of Western materialism. The luxury sedan, the second SUV, the third Xbox, the large flat-screen television in every room, the abundance of what the merchants call consumer goods: today the stock-piling of all of these things far beyond necessity gives the individual a false sense of value, and keeps oiled the gears of the artificially constructed global economy. With this, the international Jewish bankers are happy, although they are never satiated.

Once upon a time economies were centered around the extended family, or tribe. A man's sense of self-worth came from what he could contribute to his tribe, which was his community. By making extraordinary contributions to his community, a man advanced his own status and value. In time of need all men were builders, soldiers, hunters, herders or farmers. When a man did well, the community benefited, and when the community thrived the man did well. The community could not exist without a collection of noble men, and the man could not survive without the protection of the community. If left to himself, he may well starve to death, or be robbed and enslaved, or even destroyed by outsiders from other tribal communities. The man served the interests of the community, and the shelter provided by the community protected the man. The community was governed by the tribal elders, the patriarchy, and those who were most capable among them. This was all a part of the natural order recognized by our fathers – and our mothers - as they wandered the Eurasian steppe and the forests of the north.

As those tribes began to grow and prosper, the tasks of men became specialized. While in necessity every man remained a soldier, only some men were builders, others herders, yet other farmers. But the patriarchal family and tribe remained the primary components with which Western civilization was formed. Thus was the case in Rome and Athens as well as in Hamburg and London. Pride in one's heritage meant pride in the deeds of one's fathers, those men whose sacrifices benefited their communities so that those communities could build the great cities, principalities and nations which the tribal units had eventually become. That pride is true patriotism, an idea which cannot be authentically separated from patriarchy. Two men cannot be patriotic together, if they do not have common patriarchs.

Christian Socialism

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The word socialism is a dirty word in many Christian Nationalist and other so-called conservative or right-wing circles today. There are two reasons for that. First, for over a hundred years and until this very day the word has been used as a euphemism for Marxism and for Bolshevik Communism – if the two may be distinguished because the practice was even much more sinister than the theory. This use of socialism as a euphemism for Marxism and Communism seems to have been preponderated by the Jewish media, in order to conceal the true nature of these Jewish ideologies. However the word socialism and the original ideas that it once represented are much older than Marxism, and bear little real resemblance to it. Secondly, many Christian Nationalists are still locked into the Jewish Capitalist-vs-Communist dichotomy and have trouble thinking on any other terms. So long as they stay there, they shall never be a threat to the intentions of the Jew since both modern Capitalism and modern Communism are inventions of the Jew. The Capitalist system has enabled World Jewry to slowly feed off of the labor and resources of the nations which admit it, while the Communist system has enabled World Jewry to rapidly subsume the resources and the lifeblood of those nations which become its victims. The Capitalist system is designed to infiltrate, corrupt and control nations with pliant rulers or other malleable systems such as parliamentary democracies, and the Communist system has seized power violently wherever firm rulers do not allow the Capitalist system to gain control. It is Capitalists, the international Jewish bankers, who have financed Communism wherever it has appeared, as retribution against nations wherever the rule of those bankers is rejected. When either system fails to seize a nation, then the international Jew wages war against it from the outside through those nations which he does control. Such was the case in Europe in the Second World War. 

Bolshevism After 95 Years

This October marks the 95th year since the West witnessed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which precipitated one of the most horrendously murderous eras in the history of the world. If one day we could sit in heaven and watch God's Official Version of the History of Man as recorded by His omnipotent omniscience, perhaps in exquisitely vivid holographs, then we would learn that Bolshevism has really been with us for perhaps 9,500 years, if not longer. We would also learn that Bolshevism is still with us, and that the radical Bolshevism witnessed in the last days of old Russia can break out again at any time, wherever its carriers happen to reside.

Indeed, Bolshevism has carriers, people infected with its tendencies who spread it from region to region and epoch to epoch. These carriers have called themselves by diverse names over the centuries, and are therefore difficult to trace. In the Hebrew Bible, they first appear as Kenites. The careful student of the Bible and the Classics can then trace them down through Biblical and ancient history to where they are today, and now they are known for the most part as Jews.

Olympic Disenfranchisement

If White people ever needed a clear sign of ongoing disenfranchisement from their own society, it would be the 2012 London Olympics. And as for the English, not only did they suffer the immediate insult of seeing French designated as the official language of the games, but far worse, the games' ceremonies were committed to the care of marginal-Irish-Catholic-Englishman-turned-atheist-Hollywood-filmmaker Danny Boyle.

A panorama of English history being the theme of the games' opening ceremony, it was a typical Hollywood-style presentation, replete with images tailored to elevate the aliens who are currently being empowered to overrun White society everywhere. The fact that the Hollywood agenda is the same as that which is found in media, ecclesiastic and government offices from Westminster to Washington should be proof enough that filmmaker, pundit, priest and politician all have the same hidden master.

As we discussed here several months ago while presenting another topic, in an editorial entitled Lambs to the Slaughter, filmmakers and psychologists know well that people – especially children - “learn” through play-acting, whether they are participating or even merely watching. The impressions made through theatre, television, and play-acting of any sort imprint indelibly on the young child's mind, and even on the minds of older children and many susceptible adults. Here the objective is clear: to make it look as if the negro was an important part of a developing English society, and to move that idea into the minds of the general population, when nothing could be further from the truth. This represents the rewriting of English history, and the history of Western society in general, for the advantage of those aliens who are more recently being forcefully introduced into every Western nation as if they belonged. It bestows on these aliens an ownership role that they never earned and are not capable of earning. In reality non-Whites had no active part in the creation of modern society. Modern society was created in spite of non-Whites. But the aliens are now reaping all of the benefits of modern society as if they had such a role, and the history of White nations is being rewritten to accommodate them.

Libertarianism Cannot be Christian

I saw my beloved brother and sister-in-law for the first time in seventeen years this past July, and I received a reminder of where I had come from. Quite a vivid reminder it was because in spite of the passing of so many years, sadly they are still there. It is not that I do not love them, for I certainly do. However once one grows in the enhanced understanding of life and world circumstances and develops the weltanschauung which many Christian Nationalists have, or should have, a journey into the past is often a trip down a memory lane that is lined with haunted houses.

One easily discussed example of our current differences may be drawn from popular music. “But you used to listen to that”, my brother said in protest when I pointed out that a certain musician was a promiscuous and deviant miscreant. Well, the ever-present strains from that FM radio of my childhood were flooded with it, so everyone used to listen to it. “You even bought one of his records!” Of course I had, but I was all of thirteen years at the time. And I can still hear and appreciate the beautiful melodies of Tiny Dancer or Your Song pierce the stale air of the distant past. But eventually I discovered the demons which lurked behind the poetical lyrics and bucolic album covers, and I hated them.

The Demise of Free Speech on the Internet


I was sitting in an apartment overlooking Panama City Beach, and watching tropical storm Debby roll in to ruin the first weekend I had ever spent on the Gulf Coast. So it was then that I got an email which has set off a much larger storm, a storm which few people in the wider world even seem to care about. I had a message from Mike Delaney of telling me that his internet service provider,, had given him a ten-day notice of termination. There were undisclosed complaints from unnamed parties concerning the violation of unspecified provisions of the Terms of Service agreement which posts in the small-print links on the bottom of its website. professed to agree with the undisclosed complaints, and therefore Prothink had to go. Volunteering to help Mike move all of his websites, the work would have kept me off the beach even without Debby's appearance.

Christianity is Nationalism (True White Nationalism)


Christianity is Nationalism, and in a Christian's public intercourse it must be nationalist first. Identity Christians should therefore put their kindred and their race above all things in their exterior actions and relationships, while they keep their God above all things in their hearts. Many Christians attach far too much import to public expressions of faith as an evidence of belonging. There is a difference between glorifying God, and a need to convince everyone how much you love Jesus, which is often really only a display of self-righteousness. Too many Christians, even Identity Christians, stress agreement in Christ over a love for their brethren, and consider only those who agree in Christ as their brethren. How are they different from mainstream Protestants in that respect? They fail to realize that today, the enemies of Christ have deceived the entire world, as the Scripture also tells us. The Jews have insisted on displaying a picture of a Christ who loves everybody, a Christ who hates no one, in direct contradiction to Scripture, and a Christ who accepts all sinners and all sin without a thought of repentance and conformity on behalf of the individual. Therefore since none of that resonates with the true Aryan spirit, many good White kinsmen do not know what Christ is, do not know why Christ matters, or do not even know which Jesus to believe, so they reject everything Jesus. Identity Christians above all should understand this situation, because most Identity Christians were in that very same situation themselves at one time or another.

Christ said “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” Then in John 13:34 He said “I give to you a new commandment: that you should love one another; just as I have loved you that you also should love one another.” Now it may be argued that Christ was talking only about His followers, however that is not the case. In fact, in Matthew chapter 5 Christ told those followers to “love your enemies and pray for those persecuting you, that you may be sons of your Father who is in the heavens, because His sun rises upon evil and good and rains upon righteous and unrighteous. For if you should love those loving you, what reward do you have? Do not also the tax-collectors do the same? And if you should greet your brethren only, what do you do that is extraordinary? Do not also the heathens do the same? Therefore you shall be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Of course, He was only speaking to those for whom He had come, to the “lost sheep of the House of Israel”. As Christians we are to love our brethren who are our enemies but we are never expected to love the enemies of Christ our God, which is another matter entirely. As Christians we are to love all of our racial kindred – those who are of the “lost sheep of the House of Israel”, whether or not they are still “lost”, since indeed they are all of the “family of the faith” whether they are “lost” or not.

The Judas Goats

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by William Finck

While visiting with Clifton Emahiser earlier this month, I had the good pleasure of meeting some old and dear friends of his, a long-time Christian Israel family. Barely out of the van we were greeted by several children who had been playing on the lawn. One of them was ten-year old Rebecca, bright and smiling, “Hello William”, she beamed. Rebecca, to my surprise, already knew me through the many Christogenea recordings she had listened to with her uncles, and she had been anticipating my visit. The inquisitive young lady had lots of things to tell me, and she also had lots questions. Oh, did she have questions! Having once been a father of six, I know what a treasure such an inquisitive child can be, so I was more than happy to entertain her.

“William, are you a racist?” I realized that she must have already known the answer, and that perhaps she only wanted to hear it first-hand. I also forgave the Marxist terminology, which is difficult to avoid since it has saturated the entire society by way of both the media and the educational system, where alternatives are never offered. “Yes, Rebecca, I am a racist”. With smiling approbation she announced “Well, I'm a racist too.” Oh Rebecca, that is wonderful, since God created race and people who are racists love and seek to preserve God's creation! That is the first commandment in Genesis, repeated so many times, everything after its kind. Rebecca's proud proclamation must have been formulated through her having heard such things as I have repeated in many of my programs, which shows just how impressionable such young children are. 

From Out of the Shadows: the new European Jewish Parliament and Jewish Supremacism

There is a wealth of articles trumpeting the inauguration of the new European Jewish Parliament in news sources which are produced for Jews, such as the European Jewish Press, Arutz Sheva,, Chabad, the European Jewish Union website, and many other outlets, however little is known of this new parliament outside of Jewish circles. While it has been planned for quite some time, and the Jewish outlet Ynetnews reported on its formation as early as August of 2011, there is nothing about it in any major media produced for the general European public. Of course, it is already vaunted on the pages of the world's largest pro-Jewish propaganda outlet, Wikipedia, but only on a page concerning the European Jewish Union (EJU). The article states that “The EJU hopes to establish a European Jewish Parliament, comprising 120 members modeled on the Israeli Knesset This group would then represent the concerns of the Jewish community to the European Union.” Of course, there has been a European Jewish Congress for several decades, which has long been careful to downplay itself as a civic association while at the same time exerting an influence over European governments which far exceeds the proportions of the Jewish population. However this new Jewish Parliament is no civic association. Its meeting place is the very same as that of the regular European Union Parliament in Brussels, and its members are calling themselves “MEJPs”, or Members of the European Jewish Parliament. This is not merely a civic association.

Lambs to the Slaughter

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This month in The Saxon Messenger we are reprinting Chaucer's The Prioress' Tale, which is a story about young Hugh of Lincoln, who lived and died in the 13th century. Nowadays, when The Canterbury Tales are reprinted, the story is often omitted from publication. It is about a young boy killed by the Jews in what is commonly called a Jewish ritual murder. Similar circumstances surrounded the deaths of many other young boys and girls of medieval and modern Europe. It should be no wonder, with the prevalence of Jews in society now, that many children each year are still disappearing.


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